Before tonight's Mariner's game, we met the Giant Adrian Beltre Head Guy by the concessions. He gets quite a bit of air time on the Mariner's TV network. He sits right behind the M's dugout, and holds up the head when Beltre is batting. He also got several features on the scoreboard big screen tonight.
It was trading card night, so when we came in we were handed a set of 27 cards, 20 of which were different and 7 of a single player. The idea is to trade with other fans until you get the full set. It took us a while, but we each got them all. The trading around was fun!
Oh, and the game. M's lost to Orioles, 3-1. Nothing new there. It was cool enough for jeans and sweatshirts. Nothing new there, either. Where is our summer?? I know it's Seattle, but come on!
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