Sam and I got out this afternoon to pull some weeds, prune some shrubs, and dig around a bit. My favorite moment was when Sam came up to me and asked, "Mom, is it okay if I get just a little bit dirty?" when he was already dirty from head to toe.
Andrew came out and joined us for a little while, but he's mostly been laid up on the couch this week. He's had a nasty cold, plus fever, so he's stayed home from school the past two days. He's been playing a lot of chess, either with me or on his own. I think he's hoping to get some tips from his cousin Ryan next week. Ryan is already a great chess player, and plays in tournaments.
Then, I had to include this shot of Bailey, who was clearly worn out from her day yesterday. She spent most of the day at the vet getting her teeth cleaned, then we picked her up and went straight to baseball practice. She seemed to enjoy being outside with the kids, and she made a good lap dog-warmer for Andrew since he wasn't able to practice yesterday. As soon as we got home, she conked out.
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