It's been another busy week in the Spicciati household! Andrew and I finished our First Communion classes on Monday this week. Overall they were well done, and I think we both learned a lot, but it will be nice to have Monday evenings free. On Tuesday, the boys had their spring violin recital. They both played really well; Andrew played "Waltz" by Brahms, and Sam played 2 of his Twinkle variations. Sam had a huge smile on his face when he finished, and everyone was charmed by that.
Yesterday, Sam and I went on his class field trip to the library. The kids enjoyed story time and a library tour, but the real highlight of the day was riding the school bus! They couldn't stop talking about it. Then, last night the boys both had baseball practice at 5:30, at 2 different locations. Since Alan had a dinner meeting, this ended up being a lot of running around, but it worked out. We ran into our friends the Rays at Sam's practice; their daughter Emma had a game on an adjacent field. Emma has a pink glove, pink batting helmet, and she's pictured above holding her pink bat that says "Girls Rule!" She and Sam play each other in a couple of weeks, as do Andrew and Ben.
The adults around here have been busy getting ready for their big events - recital on Sunday for me, and dissertation defense for Alan on the 24th.
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