In baseball this past weekend we had snow, hail, and nothing resembling nice spring weather. However, we still had our league Jamboree on Saturday morning, and Andrew's game in the afternoon (Sam's game was called due to hail).
I'm happy to report that my recital went well, and relieved that it's over! Andrew and Sam were really well behaved, and did a great job at bringing up the flowers at the end (I had gotten flowers for Amy, and they surprised me with flowers too!). This was the first time that Sam had attended a grown-up concert and stayed awake the entire time. When we've taken him to a kid's symphony concert in the past, he's fallen asleep soon after the lights have gone down. After the recital we went to the Ram restaurant in Tacoma ($1 kids' meals on Sunday - bonus!). There was a strolling magician who came to our table and did a bunch of tricks for Andrew and Sam. They giggled and loved every minute of it. He was actually really accomplished.
I thought you might like to see Andrew in the first suit he's ever owned. We'll take the price tag off before First Communion.
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