Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gretzky had better ice in his backyard

The boys got hockey sticks today. It's really been a longshot that they've developed an interest in hockey in Seattle, but we watched a few playoff games this year and the local minor league team is in the next town. Tonight's game was brought to you by little boy ingenuity, with our four deck chairs positioned as goalposts. Dad played a little and calls this version a hybrid between hockey and golf. But it'll be fun when the cul de sac ices over in the winter.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Snohomish Soccer

We've been in Snohomish, WA this weekend for a soccer tournament with Andrew's team. They are "playing up" in this one, which means that they are younger than most of the kids on the opposing teams. It has showed on the scoreboard, but they have played really hard and had a good time anyway. We're off for more later today!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Today's Trivia

What instrument of the oboe family is almost as tall as Sam?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Field Day

Field Day = Fun For All!! The second-to-last day of school features planned chaos.....water balloons, dancing, limbo, obstacle course, volleyball, races and popsicles.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Trains and Baseball

We made our first family sojourn to friendly Safeco field tonight to watch Mariners vs. Twins. It was just my kind of game, a 1-1 pitcher's duel until (sadly) the Twins won in the 10th. Sam and I were long gone by then; we were both getting sleepy, and we left after the 8th because it had the look of a game that might last a while.

Tonight's give-away was the latest Mariner's train car, this one commemorating the 10th anniversary of Safeco Field.

Our favorite part, though, was the celebration of UW Huskies softball that took place right before the game. They brought out the entire championship team, and their star pitcher Danielle Lawrie threw out the first pitch (underhand, with a softball).....a very cool Seattle sports moment!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dunking Stan

Over the weekend, the cross-town Little League hosted a season ending celebration. Since we were at those fields for our game, we stayed around and had some fun at the party. Our friend Stan, who coaches a team in that league, was brave enough to be in the dunk tank. Ben, Andrew and Sam all took their turns and missed, but Emma managed to dunk her dad twice!

Andrew's summer wardrobe

Or, lack thereof, I should say.

What baffles me (among other things) is why he takes his shirt off because he's hot, then wraps himself up in a fleece blanket while sitting on the couch. I'm not going to try to understand that.