Friday, October 24, 2008


I was all ready to enjoy some peace and quiet (hah!) this afternoon after I took Sam to school when the phone rang. It’s the school. Andrew fell off the fire truck climbing structure and has a cut in the back of his head. So, I picked him up, and we went to Group Health to get it checked out. It stopped bleeding pretty quickly, but the school nurse thought we should have a dr. look at it. I’m glad we went, because after they cleaned him up they decided that he needed some stitches. So, we got that done, and he was really brave during the whole process. The cut looked a lot better after it was stitched. And, with Andrew's hair, you can't even tell. We made it back to school in time to pick up Sam, and Andrew was greeted like a wounded war hero by his class as they were coming out to the bus. Apparently they had all seen him bleeding, and he bled quite a bit when it first happened. He told them about the stitches, and they were really impressed.

Of course, Andrew described it all in detail to Sam, who was really concerned, not for Andrew, but that someday he might have to have stitches and get a numbing shot in the back of his head.

The dr. cleared Andrew to play soccer tomorrow, which surprised me a little bit. Game on!

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